Friday, July 13, 2007

Los Angeles DUI Lawyers - Learn the Facts!

Waking up to discover that you are sitting in a jail cell and being charged with a DUI (driving under the influence) is a frightening experience. Many people in this situation are first time offenders and are startled to discover that even first time offenses can cost them as much as $50,000 in the state of California. This is a high price to pay, and if you do not know what you are doing or hire competent legal counsel to help you, you could be working off your fine for the next several years.

If you are facing charges of DUI or if you know someone who is, the most important thing for you to do right now is hire experienced and competent Los Angeles DUI lawyers to assist you or your loved one. One of the worst places to be facing charges is in Los Angeles, California, because the state takes DUI offenses very seriously. Many people are killed each year by people who are driving under the influence and California courts use costly punishments to discourage drivers from making this often lethal mistake.

When facing DUI charges, it is very important to understand the legal process and what to do next. After posting bail, a person is released from jail, but they have more troubles ahead. The person charged with DUI is given a hearing date, which is a date that they are to go before a judge and discuss their crime. The judge will look over the evidence, hear from the prosecutor, and listen to anything that the defendant has to say.

The hearing is the most crucial time of the DUI process, because that is when the judge will decide whether or not the defendant is in fact guilty, and if they are, that is when the judge will determine their sentencing. If you do not have Los Angeles DUI lawyers at your DUI hearing that knows exactly how the process works or exactly what they should do or say at any given time, your future will be in jeopardy. There is no substitute for hiring competent Los Angeles DUI lawyers.

If you are facing DUI charges, what you need to do right now to ensure the best quality future for yourself is hire an experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyers from

Gold & Witham, serving as both Orange County and Los Angeles DUI defense attorneys at law, are devoted to the principle that attorneys are of the greatest service when they tailor their professional skill, experience, and strategy to their client's individual concerns and needs. For more information on Los Angeles DUI lawyers, please go to or call 877-WeDoDUI or 877-933-6384.

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